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Hong Kong teams at Peak24 Charity run!

Dextra teams at Peak24, Hong Kong

Every 24 hours, 5,500 men, women and children become victims of slavery. To help fight against this issue worldwide, this year, Dextra participated for the 3rd time in Hong Kong’s Peak24 Race.

Dextra Team at Peak24
The annual Peak24 is a 24-mile relay race aiming to raise awareness of human trafficking and slavery. The funds that have been raised during the event are donated to 24 Hour Races – a global charity movement against slavery – in order to support the organization’s actions worldwide.

This year, staffs from both Dextra Hong Kong and Dextra Guangzhou teamed up for this good cause, and pushed their limits to bring slavery eradication to another step, together, in an extraordinary atmosphere.

Congratulations to both teams!

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