Groupe Dextra | Connexions fiables

Dextra part of Chinese nuclear history

In July, the first Griptec connections were produced on the site of the 5th reactor of Fuqing nuclear power plant, located in the Chinese province of Fujian.

Dextra is thrilled to be part of the construction of the first reactor to be built after a 100% Chinese design. Griptec connections will be used over the next 5 years, mainly in the aircraft protective shell.

Griptec is the preferred rebar splicing solution of the nuclear industry thanks to its unique performance and an automatic proofing process which tests 100% of the connections.

Griptec has been supplied to nuclear projects like Taishan EPR in China and Flamanville 3 EPR in France.

For more information, please refere to Griptec product page.

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