

Nestlé LEO Factory, Thailand


Nestlé LEO Factory’s reliance on precast elements necessitated a reliable, efficient method for joining the precast structure of the building. The construction utilized Groutec F, a well-known splicing system engineered by Dextra, to meet the exacting demands of the precast building. Groutec F allows for the connection of rebars without the need for bar end preparation and was used for the precast joint connection of beam and column in this project.

Groutec F is a fully grouted connection solution, ensuring robustness and durability in the face of dynamic operational environments. Engineered and manufactured in compliance with industry-leading standards such as Eurocode 2, BS 8110, ACI 318, IBC, and AASHTO, Groutec F guarantees adherence to rigorous structural specifications. It is compatible with major non-shrink grout brands readily available on the market, reducing logistical complexities and procurement lead times.




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