Grupo Dextra | Conexões confiáveis

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EnergyConnect – Whittens Buronga Substation

EnergyConnect project has emerged as a groundbreaking initiative that will revolutionize the sharing of electricity between New South Wales (NSW), Victoria, and South Australia. At the heart of this transformative project lies Dextra’s indispensable contribution – supplying almost 30,000 meters of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) rebar in diameters 13mm, 25mm, and 38mm. This not only marks a monumental step in the realm of construction but also propels the vision of a more sustainable and interconnected future.

The EnergyConnect Project

The EnergyConnect project is a testament to Australia’s commitment to enhancing energy infrastructure and promoting cooperation between states. This project aims to create a robust electricity transmission network that will enable efficient sharing of power resources across three states. As Australia transitions towards cleaner and more sustainable energy solutions, the EnergyConnect project plays a pivotal role in fostering a resilient and interconnected power grid.

Dextra’s Contribution

Dextra supplied a substantial quantity of GFRP rebar, showcasing its commitment to providing cutting-edge and sustainable construction materials. The use of GFRP rebar is a game-changer in the construction industry, offering a corrosion-resistant alternative to traditional steel reinforcement.

The 30,000 meters of GFRP rebar, ranging in diameters from 13mm to 38mm, were strategically incorporated to reinforce electrical transmission line and substation structures. This not only enhances the structural integrity of the infrastructure but also aligns with the broader goal of reducing the environmental impact of construction activities.

Advantages of GFRP Rebar

GFRP rebar, also known as Fiberglass Reinforced Polymer (FRP) rebar, brings several advantages to the construction table. Unlike traditional steel reinforcement, GFRP rebar is corrosion-resistant, making it an ideal choice for projects in regions with challenging environmental conditions. The EnergyConnect project, spanning multiple states with diverse climates, benefits immensely from this corrosion-resistant characteristic, ensuring the longevity and durability of the infrastructure.

Furthermore, GFRP rebar is significantly lighter than steel, simplifying transportation and handling during the construction process. This contributes to increased efficiency and reduced labor costs, making it an attractive choice for large-scale projects like EnergyConnect.

Soluções relacionadas


Em cada momento da jornada do cliente, as equipes da Dextra se dedicam à produção de soluções construtivas inteligentes que permitem aos nossos clientes atingir maiores níveis de produtividade e segurança em seus canteiros de obras.

A Dextra possui stocks físicos em vários continentes, complementados em cada país pelos stocks locais dos nossos distribuidores. Com esta rede alargada, a Dextra garante que os nossos produtos estão sempre ao alcance, independentemente de onde os nossos parceiros estejam.

Para soluções que precisam ser customizadas, a Dextra também pode ir além dos nossos prazos de entrega padrão e oferecer esquemas de entrega acelerada. Consulte-nos para mais informações.

A partir de três grandes unidades industriais localizadas em Bangkok (Tailândia), Guangzhou (China) e Pune (Índia), a Dextra possui completamente suas instalações e processos de fabricação. Isto permite-nos ter total controlo sobre o timing das nossas operações e a qualidade das soluções produzidas.

Um laboratório de testes de materiais credenciado de forma independente, credenciado pela ISO-IEC17025, está localizado na principal fábrica da Dextra em Bangkok, permitindo o teste de materiais e produtos.

A Dextra visa fornecer produtos que superem as mais exigentes aprovações técnicas internacionais e é nosso objetivo criar a máxima satisfação do cliente, cumprindo as necessidades e requisitos especificados dos nossos clientes.

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