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Dextra Manufacturing certified Green Industry

Dextra Green Industry

Dextra Manufacturing has been certified Green Industry (level 3) for its manufacturing facilities

The Green Industry certification is provided by the Ministry of Industry of Thailand to companies that show high commitment to environmentally-friendly entrepreneurship.

The Green industry certification is divided into 5 levels, which are

Level 1: Green Commitment is a commitment to reduce environmental impact and communicate internally.

Level 2: Green Activity is an implementation of activities to reduce the impact on the environment.

Level 3: Green System is related to systematic environmental management, monitoring, evaluation and review for continuous development.

Level 4: Green Culture is that everyone in the organization cooperates and works together in an environmentally friendly way, in all aspects of the business operations until becoming part of the corporate culture.

Level 5: Green Network is a demonstration of expanding the environmantally friendly way of operations throughout the business network by supporting partners and alliances to follow the Green Industry practices.

The continuous improvement of our production process goes hand in hand with our concern for the environment and the community where we operate.

Let’s all work together for a greener future!

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