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Eventful sport summer in Bangkok!

It has been an eventful sport summer at our Bangkok factory with the organization of two consecutive sport events where teams have proved their team spirit and motivation to go win!

Suan Luang 2017 “Baxter Charity Run” – 2017 edition

Running event at Suan Luang
Running event at Suan Luang
Sunday the 3rd of September, Dextra team in Thailand lined up 57 runners at the “Baxter Run for Fund 2017” taking place at Suan Luang Rok 9, large park not far from Dextra’s main factory. All Dextra runners competed on 2 distances: 5km and 10km.

Running feels good but does good too! All proceeds from this event (1,800 runners in total) will go to following Thai charities:

More information on Organizer’s website

DMFL cup – 2017 edition


Football event DextraOver the months of June, July and August, a total of 7 Dextra departments and production teams have competed for the Dextra Manufacturing Football League, the “DMFL”! It has been a fierce battle, but the final has picked its winner: congratulations to the alliance team “Quality Certification & Coupler production”, for winning this tournament and prove once again that Quality and Production do go by pair to create outstanding results!

1st Place: Quality Certitication & Coupler production team

2nd Place: Store team

3rd Place: Equipment maintenance team

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